Monday, January 21, 2013

Well, It's About Time

Sometimes life gives you a big kick in the rear. You have a choice at that point: (1) Lie down in the mud and let the world walk across your back, (2) Pick yourself up, brush off that sore rear, and learn to fight back. This is my fight, my proverbial lemonade, my 2nd chance to do life the way it's meant to be done. And it's about time!

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Making stuff is my passion and I am about to get tremendously interested.

I like to make B-E-A-utiful things out of F'Ugly things. Ya know, like a 2nd chance...*wink*wink*

My darling husband has tolerated my hoarding for long enough. I have a carport bursting at the seams from all of my good intentions turned dust collectors. Since I've made the transition from working woman to "Domestic Goddess: Mother of One, Soon to be Two", I've found that I have more time on my hands for making treasures, but less moolah in the bank to buy pretty treasures and other fun things. :) Logically, I've decided to combine these issues and make pretty treasures for myself and others to enjoy.

My current stash of projects combined with my addiction to Pinterest, love of craft/DIY blogs prior to Pinterest, frequent trips to thrift stores, slight hoarding tendencies and fearless relationship with paint (of all kinds) should keep me busy and you entertained (for a little while, at least).

Here's to 2nd chances!!

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