Friday, February 22, 2013

Finding Inspiration...somewhere...anywhere!

The last few weeks, I've been on roller coaster of emotions thanks to the ever changing Texas weather and the growing bundle of joy in my belly. As a result, the projects are almost at a standstill and the inspiration is damn near frozen. I've, unsuccessfully, tried a few things to boost my energy. Last ditch effort: Throw myself into my work and hope it works!

SO how do you find inspiration when it's seriously waning? I use several methods and I'll do my best to explain each so, hopefully, one day you might use them to break through one of your own mental blocks.

I know that we're not in 3rd grade anymore, but brainstorming is seriously an asset. My mind is almost always moving and it rarely stops. Rarely. My husband knows he's lost me when my eyes get that glazed look and I'm staring out the window or at the wall. Showers, car trips, cooking, trips to the playground, sweeping, painting, or any other task can be perfect for brainstorming with a little practice. Since my mind tends to flow a bit slower these days, my brainstorming sessions are fewer and further between. When the mood strikes, however, it is generally centralized around a specific idea or object. My most recent session occurred this morning while washing my hair in the shower. I was trying to jumpstart the creative process so I pictured one of my upcoming projects {the chairs} and decided to let it flow.

Check back later for my next inspiration gathering method!


Friday, February 8, 2013

Upcoming Project ALERT! Window Frame with Shelf

So now that you've seen how completely obsessive I am with trying to find the RIGHT path for a potential project, I'm a little less ashamed to show it to you again. :) This time, however, the possibilities are so much greater than a measly set of chairs...
Here is the project in its current state:
(Don't's not nice)

 It came into my possession  as a pane less wind frame. After a few incredulous stares, my
 darling husband agreed to attach the "shelf" to the bottom. The shelf started out as part of a round dining room table that I nipped and tucked to create a picture/sofa/breakfast/cafe/TV table. I'm telling you, I really don't like to throw anything away! And that dining room table remnant made a darn fine shelf! :)
Here's the fun part...what do I do with it?? Originally, I envisioned this to become a house hub. I would utilize the individuals frames for a cork board, dry-erase board, magnetic board, and chalk board. The shelf would hold a little tray for keys and change. I could even add mug hooks below the shelf for hanging keys. It's not a bad idea... Let's explore that one for a bit. Here's a little pinspiration to further that path:
Easy peasy! But as I view more and more blogs, I see more and more of this type of project, and, frankly, I'm a little burned out on the home/family organization. I think we can do better than that!
When I am trying to find inspiration for a project, I use my house. There are always several areas that need to updated, improved, decorated, etc. I can't start a project with the intention of selling it because I don't know what YOU want in YOUR house! Also, if the item doesn't sell, I can always use it in my house where it was originally designed to be.
So what room renovation is going to lend to my inspiration today? Let's start with the most pressing renovation...the nursery. More specifically, a baby boy nursery. To be even more specific, a baby boy nursery that needs to be completed by May. Wow, that's coming up quickly...
I digress...
Here are a few nursery pinspirations:
Depending on the theme of the nursery, this could be a very easy and adorable project! We are doing a fish/aquatic/sea theme based on a few art pieces my hubby did in high school. For this project, I could use the silhouette of a fish, sailboat, shark, and jellyfish...or any other object. The shelf can be used for any number of cute baby trinkets.
Keeping with same theme as the previous picture, I can turn the frames into mixed media artwork. Book pages from 10,000 Leagues under the Sea or Moby Dick can serve as a background for the silhouettes.
I can also find wooden plaques to use for the artwork and place these in the center of the frames. This is an especially good idea if the art needs to be changed in the near future or if you like to move things around to other parts of the me...ahem.
I love the quotes that keep popping up everywhere that are meant for little kiddo rooms. I could take on of these quotes and divide it up between the frames or use 4 separate quotes.
I could also use the laundry room...
... or the kitchen...
...or just make a pretty wall hanging that can go anywhere...

(a letter per frame or a different word per frame)
(maybe over a bar/liquor I have one of those...)
(I like the sections of the picture and could easily take any larger picture and cut it into 4 pieces)
(oooooo....faux drapes!)
Ahhhh...the possibilities!


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Upcoming Project ALERT! Wooden Chairs

I have 2 wooden chairs that were given to me by a neighbor. After a few days, weeks, months sitting in the garden, they were finally moved to the notorious "Carport Pile" and there they sit...waiting so patiently for me to give them a 2nd chance! Here they are:

As you can see, these poor chairs are in desperate need of some TLC! Not to mention a little sanding, painting, hammering, ya know...a COMPLETE MAKEOVER!
I'll let you in on a little secret...chairs are my weakness! Not even kidding. My husband groans and moans any time I see a used chair for sale. I <3 them. A lot.
With all this passion bursting from my chair weakened seams, you'd think I would know exactly where to begin when attempting a chair redo. Well, you'd be wrong. Sorry. I have SO MANY ideas that I can't choose a logical beginning point.
Enter Pinterest. :) I scoured my 5,000+ pins (don't judge) for Chair Pinspiration. Here's what I found:
I love the piano keys added to the back and seat! I could totally paint that. It wouldn't have the same dimension as the picture, though.

This is one of my favorite ideas! But since there are only 2 chairs to redo (this time), I think this would be better utilized on a larger scale redo in the future. I have just the chairs in mind for this :) 

Upholstery! The project chairs don't have any upholstery. The backs are probably out since they have spindles (and all the spindles are there), but I could definitely add in some funky fabric with the new seats.

Just like this one! Spindles on top and funky fabric on the bottom. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the blue, too! :)

If, for some reason, I can't salvage the seats. I could easily (in theory) remove the backs and make these into a bench. Then I can add one large upholstered bench seat.

Upholstery could be over rated... If I can find a suitable material to weave across the seat, it may be a more interesting fix for the seats. However, it doesn't look very sturdy and I need a sturdy chair to support my bottom! ;)

 Belts seem pretty sturdy! Especially with a tight weave and secure fastenings. I love the nautral colors of the leather and it would be fun to paint the rest of the chair in a color that would really complement the browns.
Dog Love! I have 3 dogs that could utilize these chairs...and 1 that could not :( But I love the idea because it reduces the likelihood of spilling the bowl of food and gets it off the kitchen floor.

If I can have the hubby find a nice piece of wood to use for the seats, I can easily do this version, too. I would need to practice my stencils skills, however. Stencils and I do not always see eye to eye...

Planter chairs are also a personal favorite! Especially for the front porch where puppies can't harass the plants. These would be even better to sell at a flea market with plants already included!  

This planter is a little different because it looks like a pot was just dropped in. I love the pale paint with bright flowers.

But I also love the bright paint with the bright flowers! The gorgeous sweet potato vine looks amazing trailing up and down the chair, too.
As you can see, I have a dilemma! There are so many options and paths to take! I'm sure I will come across more chairs to grant a 2nd chance to, so I should really just pick one plan and go with it. Right?