Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Upcoming Project ALERT! Wooden Chairs

I have 2 wooden chairs that were given to me by a neighbor. After a few days, weeks, months sitting in the garden, they were finally moved to the notorious "Carport Pile" and there they sit...waiting so patiently for me to give them a 2nd chance! Here they are:

As you can see, these poor chairs are in desperate need of some TLC! Not to mention a little sanding, painting, hammering, ya know...a COMPLETE MAKEOVER!
I'll let you in on a little secret...chairs are my weakness! Not even kidding. My husband groans and moans any time I see a used chair for sale. I <3 them. A lot.
With all this passion bursting from my chair weakened seams, you'd think I would know exactly where to begin when attempting a chair redo. Well, you'd be wrong. Sorry. I have SO MANY ideas that I can't choose a logical beginning point.
Enter Pinterest. :) I scoured my 5,000+ pins (don't judge) for Chair Pinspiration. Here's what I found:
I love the piano keys added to the back and seat! I could totally paint that. It wouldn't have the same dimension as the picture, though.

This is one of my favorite ideas! But since there are only 2 chairs to redo (this time), I think this would be better utilized on a larger scale redo in the future. I have just the chairs in mind for this :) 

Upholstery! The project chairs don't have any upholstery. The backs are probably out since they have spindles (and all the spindles are there), but I could definitely add in some funky fabric with the new seats.

Just like this one! Spindles on top and funky fabric on the bottom. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the blue, too! :)

If, for some reason, I can't salvage the seats. I could easily (in theory) remove the backs and make these into a bench. Then I can add one large upholstered bench seat.

Upholstery could be over rated... If I can find a suitable material to weave across the seat, it may be a more interesting fix for the seats. However, it doesn't look very sturdy and I need a sturdy chair to support my bottom! ;)

 Belts seem pretty sturdy! Especially with a tight weave and secure fastenings. I love the nautral colors of the leather and it would be fun to paint the rest of the chair in a color that would really complement the browns.
Dog Love! I have 3 dogs that could utilize these chairs...and 1 that could not :( But I love the idea because it reduces the likelihood of spilling the bowl of food and gets it off the kitchen floor.

If I can have the hubby find a nice piece of wood to use for the seats, I can easily do this version, too. I would need to practice my stencils skills, however. Stencils and I do not always see eye to eye...

Planter chairs are also a personal favorite! Especially for the front porch where puppies can't harass the plants. These would be even better to sell at a flea market with plants already included!  

This planter is a little different because it looks like a pot was just dropped in. I love the pale paint with bright flowers.

But I also love the bright paint with the bright flowers! The gorgeous sweet potato vine looks amazing trailing up and down the chair, too.
As you can see, I have a dilemma! There are so many options and paths to take! I'm sure I will come across more chairs to grant a 2nd chance to, so I should really just pick one plan and go with it. Right?


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